AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,5 18755.19 Municipal court commissioners. (1) Appointment. First class cities
19may create the office of municipal court commissioner. The municipal court
20commissioner shall be an attorney licensed to practice in this state and shall
21complete annual educational credits consistent with supreme court requirements for
22municipal judges. The common council shall establish the number of positions and
23set the term, the additional qualifications and the compensation for the office. The
24presiding judge of the municipal court shall be the appointing authority and may

1terminate the employment of a municipal court commissioner at will and without
2cause. The municipal court commissioner shall be supervised by the judge whose
3cases the commissioner is hearing. Each municipal court commissioner shall take
4and file the official oath in the office of the clerk of the municipal court of the 1st class
5city for which appointed before performing any duty of the office.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,7 6(2) Powers and duties. Under the supervision of a municipal judge, a
7municipal court commissioner may do all of the following:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,128 (a) Under ss. 800.04 and 800.095 (4) and (5), conduct initial appearances and
9receive noncontested forfeiture pleas, order the revocation or suspension of driving
10privileges and impose forfeitures, impose community service and restitution
11according to the schedule adopted by the municipal court where appointed, and issue
12dispositional and sanction orders pursuant to ch. 938.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,1313 (b) Issue warrants for those who do not appear as scheduled or as summoned.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,1414 (c) Conduct hearings on warrant returns.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,1515 (d) Schedule indigency hearings.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,1616 (e) Make a finding on the indigency of defendants.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,1717 (f) Enforce alternative judgments for failure to comply with court orders.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,484,1818 (g) Conduct court proceedings and exercise any power authorized by statute.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,485,2 19(3) New hearings and appeals of municipal court commissioner rulings. A
20motion for a new hearing or appeal of a contested ruling by a municipal court
21commissioner shall be filed with the municipal court no later than the 20th day after
22the commissioner makes the ruling. The motion shall be heard by the supervising
23municipal judge under the procedure consistent with the procedure adopted by the
24judicial district on motions to reopen judgments before the municipal court. Nothing

1in this subsection shall be construed as altering the time periods for filing a notice
2of appeal from a final judgment or filing a motion of relief from judgment.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 4950r 3Section 4950r. 757.23 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,485,14 4757.23 Court commissioner, when disqualified. A municipal court
5commissioner, a
court commissioner, or any judge acting as a court commissioner,
6shall not act or take part in the decision of, or make any order in any matter or
7proceeding in which he or she is a party, or in which his or her rights would be in any
8manner affected by his or her decision or order thereon, or in which he or she is
9interested, or in which his or her law partner, or any person connected with him or
10her as employer, employe or clerk, or in the law business in any manner, shall be
11interested or appear as a party, agent, attorney or counsel. Any municipal court
court commissioner or judge, acting as a court commissioner, violating
13this section shall forfeit $25 for each violation, and shall also be subject to removal
14from office.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,485,15 151389. Page 1831, line 12: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,485,16 16" Section 4951g. 757.48 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,486,1417 757.48 (1) (b) The guardian ad litem shall be allowed reasonable compensation
18for his or her services such as is customarily charged by attorneys in this state for
19comparable services. If the court orders a county to pay the compensation of the
20guardian ad litem, the amount ordered may not exceed the compensation paid to
21private attorneys under s. 977.08 (4m) (b). When a court appoints a guardian ad
22litem for a person with a developmental disability, the court shall require the
23guardian ad litem, as a condition of accepting the appointment, to submit a written
24detailed statement of the services he or she plans to provide for the developmentally

1disabled person. In addition, as a condition of receipt of compensation from a county,
2a guardian ad litem shall provide an accounting of the services he or she did provide
3to the developmentally disabled person on a form that the circuit court develops and
4provides to the guardian ad litem. If a court-appointed guardian ad litem is required
5to submit an accounting of the services he or she provided to a person with a
6development disability, the guardian of that person with a development disability
7shall receive a copy of that accounting and may comment to the court regarding that
8accounting. The court may require, before issuing an order regarding the payment
9of compensation to the guardian ad litem, that the guardian ad litem and the
10guardian of the developmentally disabled person engage in one of the dispute
11resolution processes under s. 802.12 to resolve any dispute regarding the services
12that the guardian ad litem provided to the developmentally disabled person.
If the
13attorney of record is also the guardian ad litem, the attorney shall be entitled only
14to attorney fees and shall receive no compensation for services as guardian ad litem.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,486,16 151390. Page 1832, line 15: delete that line and substitute "48.57 (3m) (b) 2. or,
1649.145 (2) (s),
49.19 (4) (h) 1. b. or 49.775 (2) (bm) if all of the following apply:".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,486,17 171391. Page 1848, line 4: delete "49.153 (3)," and substitute "49.153 (3),".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,486,18 181392. Page 1849, line 21: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,486,19 19" Section 5036m. 767.47 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,487,520 767.47 (6) (a) Whenever the state brings the action to determine paternity
21pursuant to an assignment under s. 46.261, 48.57 (3m) (b) 2., 49.153 (3) (a), 49.19 (4)
22(h) 1. or 49.45 (19), or receipt of benefits under s. 49.148, 49.155, 49.157 or 49.159,
23the natural mother of the child may not be compelled to testify about the paternity
24of the child if it has been determined that the mother has good cause for refusing to

1cooperate in establishing paternity as provided in 42 USC 602 (a) (26) (B) and the
2federal regulations promulgated pursuant to this statute, as of July 1, 1981, and
3pursuant to any rules promulgated by the department which define good cause in
4accordance with the federal regulations, as authorized by 42 USC 602 (a) (26) (B) in
5effect on July 1, 1981.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5036n 6Section 5036n. 767.47 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,487,117 767.47 (6) (b) Nothing in par. (a) prevents the state from bringing an action to
8determine paternity pursuant to an assignment under s. 48.57 (3m) (b) 2., 49.153 (3)
49.19 (4) (h) 1. or 49.45 (19), or receipt of benefits under s. 49.148, 49.155, 49.157
10or 49.159, where evidence other than the testimony of the mother may establish the
11paternity of the child.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,487,12 121393. Page 1878, line 5: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,487,13 13" Section 5165b. 799.24 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,487,2114 799.24 (1) Entry of judgment or order; notice of entry thereof. When a
15judgment or an order is rendered, the judge, court commissioner or clerk of circuit
16court shall immediately enter it in the court record and note the date thereof which
17shall be the date of entry of judgment or order. The clerk of circuit court, except in
18municipal and county forfeiture actions, shall mail a notice of entry of judgment to
19the parties or their attorneys at their last-known address within 5 days of its entry.
20Upon payment of the exact amount of the fee prescribed in s. 814.62 (3) (c), the clerk
21of circuit court shall enter the judgment in the judgment and lien docket.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,487,22 221394. Page 1878, line 5: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,487,24 23" Section 5165c. Subchapter IX (title) of chapter 779 [precedes 779.80] of the
24statutes is amended to read:
3HOSPITAL Health care
4 provider
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165e 5Section 5165e. 779.80 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,488,6 6779.80 (title) Hospital Health care provider liens.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165g 7Section 5165g. 779.80 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 779.80 (1m) and
8amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,488,139 779.80 (1m) Every corporation, association or other organization operating as
10a charitable institution and maintaining a hospital in this state shall have
11care provider has
a lien for services rendered, by way of treatment, care or
12maintenance, to any person who has sustained personal injuries as a result of the
13negligence, wrongful act or any tort of any other person.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165i 14Section 5165i. 779.80 (1b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,488,1515 779.80 (1b) In this section, "health care provider" means all of the following:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,488,1716 (a) A corporation, association or other organization operating as a charitable
17institution and maintaining a hospital in this state.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,488,1818 (b) A chiropractor licensed under ch. 446.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165k 19Section 5165k. 779.80 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,488,2520 779.80 (2) Such lien shall attach to any and The lien under this section attaches
all rights of action, suits, claims, demands and upon any judgment, award or
22determination, and upon the proceeds of any settlement which such the injured
23person, or legal representatives might have against any such other person for
24damages on account of such the injuries, for the amount of the reasonable and
25necessary charges of such hospital the health care provider.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165m
1Section 5165m. 779.80 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 779.80 (3) (ae)
2and amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,489,163 779.80 (3) (ae) No such lien shall be A lien under this section is not effective
4unless the health care provider files a written notice containing under this
5paragraph. The notice shall contain
the name and address of the injured person, the
6date and location of the event causing such the injuries, the name and location
7address of the hospital health care provider, and if ascertainable by reasonable
8diligence, the names and addresses of the persons alleged to be liable for damages
9sustained by such the injured person ,. The notice shall be filed in the office of the
10clerk of circuit court in the county in which such the injuries have occurred, or in the
11county in which such hospital the health care provider is located, or in the county in
12which suit for recovery of such damages is pending,. The notice shall be filed prior
13to the payment of any moneys to such the injured person or legal representatives, but
14in no event later than 60 days after discharge of such injured person from the hospital
15the date that the health care provider last provided services to the injured person for
16the injuries
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165o 17Section 5165o. 779.80 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 779.80 (3) (am) and
18amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,489,2319 779.80 (3) (am) The clerk of circuit court shall enter all hospital liens created
20under this section
in the judgment and lien docket, including the name of the injured
21person, the date of the event causing the injury and the name of the hospital or other
health care provider making the claim. The clerk of circuit court shall
23receive the fee prescribed in s. 814.61 (5) for entering each lien.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165q 24Section 5165q. 779.80 (3) (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
1 779.80 (3) (b) Within 10 days after filing of the notice of lien under par. (ae),
2the hospital health care provider shall send by certified mail or registered mail or
3serve personally a copy of such the notice with the date of filing thereof to or upon
4the injured person and the person alleged to be liable for damages sustained by such
5the injured person, if ascertained by reasonable diligence. If such hospital the health
6care provider
fails to give notice if the name and address of the person injured or the
7person allegedly liable for the injury are known or should be known, the lien shall
is void.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,490,129 (c) The hospital health care provider shall also serve a copy of such the notice
10under par. (ae), as provided in par. (b), to any insurer which that has insured such
11the person alleged to be liable for the injury against such liability, if the name and
12address may be ascertained by reasonable diligence.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165s 13Section 5165s. 779.80 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,490,1914 779.80 (4) After filing and service of the notice of lien, no release of any
15judgment, claim or demand by the injured person shall be is valid as against such
16the lien under this section, and the person making any payment to such the injured
17person or legal representatives as compensation for the injuries sustained shall, for
18a period of one year from after the date of such the payment, remain liable to the
19hospital health care provider for the amount of such the lien.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165u 20Section 5165u. 779.80 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,491,321 779.80 (5) Such lien shall The lien under this section does not in any way
22prejudice or interfere with any lien or contract which that may be made by such the
23injured person or legal representatives with any attorney or attorneys for legal
24services rendered with respect to the claim of the injured person or legal
25representatives against the person alleged to be liable for such the injury. Said lien

1shall also be subservient to actual
Actual taxable court costs, and actual
2disbursements made by the attorney in prosecuting the court action have priority
3over the lien under this section
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5165x 4Section 5165x. 779.80 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,491,75 779.80 (6) No hospital is A health care provider is not entitled to any lien under
6this section if the person injured is eligible for compensation under ch. 102 or any
7other worker's compensation act.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,491,8 81395. Page 1882, line 9: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,491,9 9" Section 5175g. 806.10 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,491,1410 806.10 (1) (intro.) At the time of entry of a judgment directing in whole or in
11part the payment of money, or a judgment naming a spouse under s. 806.15 (4), and
12upon payment of the exact amount of the fee prescribed in s. 814.61 (5) (b), the clerk
13of circuit court shall enter the judgment in the judgment and lien docket, arranged
14alphabetically, including all of the following:
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5175m 15Section 5175m. 806.10 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,491,1916 806.10 (3) Every clerk of circuit court who enters a judgment or decree and
17enters upon the judgment and lien docket a date or time other than that of its actual
18entry or neglects to enter the same at the proper time shall be liable in treble
to the party injured.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,491,20 201396. Page 1883, line 16: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,491,21 21" Section 5189p. 814.61 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,492,322 814.61 (13) Support or maintenance petition. For the cost of court services,
23whenever a person not receiving benefits under s. 49.148, 49.153 or 49.155 or aid
24under s. 49.19, 49.46, 49.465, 49.468 or 49.47 files a petition requesting child

1support, maintenance or family support payments, $10 in addition to any other fee
2required under this section. This subsection does not apply to a petition filed by the
3state or its delegate.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,492,4 41397. Page 1884, line 21: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,492,5 5" Section 5194m. 814.65 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,492,136 814.65 (1) Court costs. In a municipal court action, except an action for
7violation of an ordinance in conformity with s. 347.48 (2m), the municipal judge shall
8collect a fee of not less than $15 nor more than $23 on each separate matter, whether
9it is on default of appearance, a plea of guilty or no contest, on issuance of a warrant
10or summons or the action is tried as a contested matter. Of each $15 fee received by
11the judge under this subsection, the municipal treasurer shall pay monthly
$5 to the state treasurer for deposit in the general fund and shall retain
13the balance for the use of the municipality.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,492,14 141398. Page 1886, line 5: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,492,16 15" Section 5200f. 846.04 of the statutes is renumbered 846.04 (1) and amended
16to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,493,317 846.04 (1) The plaintiff may, in the complaint, demand judgment for any
18deficiency that may remain due the plaintiff after sale of the mortgaged premises
19against every party who is personally liable for the debt secured by the mortgage.
20Judgment may be rendered for any deficiency remaining after applying the proceeds
21of sale to the amount due. The judgment for deficiency shall be ordered in the original
22judgment and separately rendered against the party liable on or after the
23confirmation of sale. The judgment for deficiency shall be entered in the judgment
24and lien docket and, except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), enforced as in other cases.

1A mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgment entered on property devoted primarily
2to agricultural use, as defined in s. 91.01 (5), on and after the effective date of this
3subsection .... [revisor inserts date], shall be recorded as an agriculture judgment.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5200g 4Section 5200g. 846.04 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,493,95 846.04 (2) Except as provided in sub. (3), if a mortgage foreclosure deficiency
6judgment is entered on property devoted primarily to agricultural use, as defined in
7s. 91.01 (5), an action on the deficiency judgment shall be commenced within 10 years
8after the date on which the mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgment is entered or
9be barred.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5200h 10Section 5200h. 846.04 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,493,2511 846.04 (3) If a mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgment was entered before
12January 1, 1990, on property devoted primarily to agricultural use, as defined in s.
1391.01 (5), an action on the deficiency judgment shall be commenced within 2 years
14after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], or be barred. If the
15deficiency judgment remains unsatisfied in a mortgage foreclosure deficiency
16judgment action entered before the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor
17inserts date], the defendant in that action shall notify the clerk of circuit court of the
18existence of that deficiency judgment and of the date that an action on that deficiency
19judgment shall be commenced or be barred. Not later than 60 days prior to 2 years
20after the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], if notified of an
21unsatisfied deficiency judgment by the defendant in that action, the clerk of each
22circuit court in which a mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgment on property
23devoted primarily to agricultural use, as defined in s. 91.01 (5), was entered before
24January 1, 1990, and remains unsatisfied, shall, upon payment by the defendant in
25that action of the costs of the publication and certified mail, do all of the following:
1(a) Publish a notice as a class 1 notice under ch. 985, in the official newspaper
2of the county where the mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgment was entered,
3stating that the party holding the mortgage foreclosure deficiency judgment is
4required to commence an action on the deficiency judgment prior to 2 years after the
5effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], or be barred from any
6further action on that deficiency judgment.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,494,117 (b) Notify by certified mail the primary plaintiff in the action for the mortgage
8foreclosure deficiency judgment that the plaintiff is required to commence an action
9on the deficiency judgment prior to 2 years after the effective date of this paragraph
10.... [revisor inserts date], or be barred from any further action on that deficiency
AB100-ASA1-AA8,494,13 121399. Page 1889, line 22: delete "any other vehicle having a gross vehicle
13weight rating" and substitute "motor truck having a registered weight".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,494,14 141400. Page 1890, line 17: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,494,15 15" Section 5217g. 893.40 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,494,19 16893.40 Action on judgment or decree; court of record. An Except as
17provided in s. 846.04 (2) and (3),
action upon a judgment or decree of a court of record
18of any state or of the United States shall be commenced within 20 years after the
19judgment or decree is entered or be barred.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,494,20 201401. Page 1893, line 3: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,494,21 21" Section 5225m. 895.483 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,495,322 895.483 (1) A regional emergency response team, a member of such a team, and
23a local agency, as defined in s. 166.22 (1) (c), that contracts with the state emergency
24response board
division of emergency management in the department of military

for the provision of a regional emergency response team, are immune from
2civil liability for acts or omissions related to carrying out responsibilities under a
3contract under s. 166.215 (1).".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,495,4 41402. Page 1898, line 2: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,495,5 5" Section 5246d. 938.22 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,495,126 938.22 (1) (a) The county board of supervisors may establish a secure detention
7facility or a shelter care facility or both or the county boards of supervisors for 2 or
8more counties may jointly establish a secure detention facility or a shelter care
9facility or both in accordance with ss. 46.16, 46.20 and 301.36. A private entity may
10establish a secure detention facility in accordance with ss. 301.36 and 301.37 and
11contract with one or more county boards of supervisors under s. 938.222 for holding
12juveniles in the private secure detention facility.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5247d 13Section 5247d. 938.22 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,495,2014 938.22 (1) (b) Subject to sub. (3) (ar), in counties having a population of less
15than 500,000, the nonjudicial operational policies of the a public secure detention
16facility or shelter care facility shall be determined by the county board of supervisors
17or, in the case of a public secure detention facility or shelter care facility established
18by 2 or more counties, by the county boards of supervisors for the 2 or more counties
19jointly. Those policies shall be executed by the superintendent appointed under sub.
20(3) (a).
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5247g 21Section 5247g. 938.22 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,496,222 938.22 (1) (c) In counties having a population of 500,000 or more, the
23nonjudicial operational policies of the a public secure detention facility and the
24detention section of the juvenile delinquency children's court center shall be

1established by the county board of supervisors, and the execution thereof shall be the
2responsibility of the director of the children's court center.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5247i 3Section 5247i. 938.22 (1) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,496,74 938.22 (1) (d) The nonjudicial operational policies of a private secure detention
5facility shall be established by the private entity operating the secure detention
6facility. Those policies shall be executed by the superintendent appointed under sub.
7(3) (bm).
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 5248d 8Section 5248d. 938.22 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: